...I probably do, I just don't know it!
Let me introduce you to Project: Explore Toronto
I live in a multi-cultural city, full of life, entertainment, history, food and much, much more. I'm sometimes stuck on the same route, taking the same subway or walking the same streets. But whenever I do venture off to a new area in the city, it's new and exciting, and I discover something that has probably been there all this time.
Over the next several months, I'll be making the effort to travel to a new area in Toronto that I've never been before (and maybe I have, I just haven't had the time to walk around and take it in) and see for myself what Toronto has to offer. I'll visit a new neighbourhood each time, and I'll be doing it with my camera along with my bike, and I'll be sharing it here on this blog.
I recently came across this website (http://www.
Please visit back, as I'll soon have my first neighbourhood crossed off the list!! Stay Tuned!
(I didn't do any research on the Internet to see if anybody else has done this before, mainly because if I did find someone, I'd feel as if I'm trying to replicate it)
Can't wait to read your next one.