October 26, 2012

All Things: Yellow

I went out shopping yesterday to pick up something and I decided to walk. I brought my camera along and decided to do another "All Things" post. Since it's fall, I chose the colour yellow to focus on. Ironically, there aren't any pictures of leaves or trees as it was a little too obvious. I caught the below pictures during my 20 minute walk to my destination.

October 15, 2012

October 1, 2012

The "Summer" Shoot

Back in March when we did our (very) late spring photo shoot with Thusha, we were looking forward to the summer shoot in the warm month of July. Busy schedules and six months later, in the nice crisp air of late September, we did our "summer" photo shoot. I personally had a few layers of clothing on and didn't look fashionable at all -- but I was behind the camera and not in front. Thusha on the other hand was the one in front of the camera and was wearing her traditional Sari, sleeveless and all. She bared the weather and acted as if it was summer. Take a look...